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Town of Holden
Public Safety Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2009

6:30PM                  HMLD Building

Present:        Chairman Chris Lucchesi, Karl Makela, David White (arrived 6:10PM), Peter Liddy, Mary Ryan, Rick Bates, George Sherrill, Jack Chandler, Brian Forts

Absent: Bob Beck, Dave Ellis

Others Present: Gary Kaczmarek, Owners On Site Project Manager, Robert Para, Jr. Lamoureux Pagano Associates, Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary

Others Absent:  Paul McAndrew, Kaestle Boos Associates, Michael McKeon, Kaestle Boos Associates, Kristen Smith, Kaestle Boos Associates, Robert Para, Jr., Lamoureaux Pagano Associates, Mike Pagano, Lamoureaux Pagano Associates

Public Comment

No one from the public came forward

Advanced Altering System

Chairman Lucchesi introduced Steve Breed with WORAD. Mr. Breed presented information on an advanced alerting system for the fire station. Functions the system can provide include turning stove off, turning lights on gradually, opening/closing garage bay and sally port doors, voice altering/PA system, etc. All alerting systems require switch relays to wire into circuits to enable these functions to work. Each contractor would need to be contacted to help facilitate the integration of their function. Functions can be "stacked": dispatcher pushes one button on the console, which enables all the functions. The Motorola console presented by Mr. Breed at a previous meeting contains in and out switches that could house these functions.

Mr. Kaczmarek has contacted WV Engineering but has not received a response to scheduling a meeting. He will contact WV and KBA again regarding engineering input, what is technically possible to accommodate and what would need to be added.

A lead-time of 6 months is required to purchase the Motorola console.

Project Management

Gary Kaczmarek provided an updated on-site work. Structural steel frame is 95% complete. The crane left the site on 11/18/09. Roof joists and roof-decking work has begun. Significant progress has been made on the installation of underground utilities. Domestic water exists in both buildings. Mason has completed the elevator shaft. NSTAR will move meter location next week. Underground piping in the sally port continues. Concrete will be poured in December. The boulder retaining wall is ongoing.

Good Will Gesture Discussion

Chairman Lucchesi said that the project is on schedule, has had no complaints from abutters, and has been accident free during the building project.

Dave White recommended that the Committee consider giving the crew a recognition luncheon in appreciation of GC and subcontractor efforts.

Mr. Kaczmarek said that there were approximately 20-22 workers on site.

Rick Bates, seconded by Mary Ryan, it was unanimously voted to appropriate up to $500 towards an employee luncheon.

Chairman Lucchesi encouraged committee members to attend the luncheon to meet the contractors. He suggested that the luncheon be held on Wednesday, December 16th and then the committee could meet for its second meeting of the month.


Chairman Lucchesi and Bob Beck went to visit a telecommunications company in CT on a informational gathering mission. Will hopefully be able to report back to the Committee in January 2010 to present information for discussion/evaluation.


Reviewed a PSBC Cost Summary of Expenses through October 31, 2009. Committee members signed invoices for payment and change orders.

New Business

Chief Chandler reported that the new oxygen system is up and running. Thanks to Firefighter Sean Smith for his efforts to oversee the procurement of the system.

Planning Board update: Fence based on what Mr. Lipka observed, it is not a significant sight change and elimination from the plans would not require a visit to the Planning Board. Mr. Lipka will make a final determination on the removal of the fence when the wall is complete.

John Meekan with KBA visited the site without notifying Mr. Kaczmarek that he was on site to review the progress boulder wall.


Motion by David White, seconded by Mary Ryan, it was VOTED 5-0-2 WITH 2 ABSTENTIONS TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 21, 2009 MEETING MINUTES. (ABSTAINED: FORTS, BATES)

Motion by David White, seconded by Peter Liddy, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 4, 2009 MEETING MINUTES.


Motion by David White, seconded by Mary Ryan, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE NOVEMBER 18, 2009 MEETING AT 6:45PM.

Approved:       March 17, 2010